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Your privacy is our priority

Queue-it processes minimal customer data and adheres to global data protection regulations, ensuring privacy without compromising your website’s performance
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Our access to data

  • By default, Queue-it does not process or store any kind of visitor Personal Identifiable Information (PII)

  • For analytics and bot mitigation purposes, Queue-it collects basic visitor information transported by the browser, such as device type, IP address, and browser version

  • Queue-it is not implemented as a reverse proxy, meaning no session information is exposed to or collected by Queue-it when visitors are on your website

  • Certain features such as visitor email notifications and the invite-only waiting room require Queue-it to collect email addresses; this sensitive information is processed and stored according to the industry standards outlined below

How we process & store data

  • All customer data is encrypted at rest and in transit according to industry best practices

  • Sensitive information collected is deleted in a timely manner according to our data retention policy and customers can choose to delete this data at any time

  • You can choose whether your data is stored through data centers residing in the European Union, the United States, Brazil, Japan, or South Korea based on your regional requirements
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Data governance

  • Authorizations to data access are provided on a need-to-know basis, based on the principle of least privilege

  • Third-party applications and services are used in support of the delivery of our products to our customers. Queue-it uses a vendor management program that sets forth the requirements to be established and agreed upon when engaging with third parties or external vendors

Get a closer look at Queue-it's approach to privacy & data protection